Monday 15 April 2013


Why is it easier to give advice then to take it/use it?
This one gets me all the time.. I mean there are many times I am going through something, then someone who is going through that same thing asks me for advice, and so I tell them.. yet I don't use my own advice. It kinda makes me feel hypocritical.. coz I'm not doing the whole "Practice what you preach" thing, but I guess it is just part of being human, but I would really like to learn to take some of the advice I give out, because I know it works.. otherwise I wouldn't tell other people to do it :P lol my conclusion is: humans are strange :P

#aboveallthingsthatarerandom :P
Over and out!
Jazz =) 

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Last Hope?

Should God be our last hope? Have you ever noticed people these days are like: 'God is my last hope' .. God shouldn't be our last hope! We shouldn't turn to him when we are totally overwhelmed! God should be our first hope! The one we turn to in everything, the one to keep us from getting to the point of being overwhelmed.. God doesn't deserve to be left until last, he deserves being our first choice all the time! God should be first in Friendships, relationships, our future and in our everyday lives! God just has to be number 1! 

I notice that when I get off track with God, I get off track with life, it all seems so much harder without him! When I put friends or worldly things above God, my whole perspective on life changes and I become so much less of a good person! But anyway just a quick note to remind y'all to keep putting God first! He should be the first person you talk to of a morning, and the person you are talking to when you are falling asleep, and all in between we should be staying in constant contact with God, almost like constant prayer, it is hard, but it is totally worth it! =D 

Jazz! =)